kate winslet interviste video

The Hollywood Reporter: video intervista a Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lawrence

Non perdetevi il video del roundtable di The Hollywood Reporter con Jennifer Lawrence (‘Joy’), Brie Larson (‘Room’), Kate Winslet (‘Steve Jobs)’, Cate Blanchett (‘Carol’, ‘Truth’), Jane Fonda (‘Youth’), Helen Mirren (‘Trumbo’, ‘Woman in Gold’), Charlotte Rampling (’45 Years’) e Carey Mulligan


Intervista video: Kate Winslet e Saoirse Ronan in Variety Actors on Actors (foto di Mia in Le Regole del Caos)

Variety Actors on Actors: qui l’intervista tra Kate Winslet e Saoirse Ronan http://video-cdn.variety.com/previews/i8IGSjvG-plsZnDJi Saoirse Ronan and Kate Winslet each won acclaim as teenagers. Ronan was 13 when she earned an Oscar nom for “Atonement,” while Winslet was 17 when she burst onto the

Kate Winslet al Jimmy Fallon Show

Kate Winslet ieri sera è stata ospite del Tonight Show di Jimmy Fallon a Kate Winslet: ecco alcuni video. Una divertentissima e divertita Kate gioca a Photo Boot Altro video qui, su Steve Jobs: http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/video/kate-winslet-secured-her-steve-jobs-role-with-a-selfie/2918374 Ad un passo dall’EGOT: http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/video/kate-winslet-is-going-after-an-egot/2918373